Music Costume and Fashion

  • What part does dress play in communication? Communicates the song and what they are trying to get across (glamorous, dresses etc)
  • What part does music play in shaping the social self? Androgyny he is dressed feminine not how the typical guy is presented, he is an entertainer multiple outfit changes when the songs is named (you don’t have to take your clothes off)
  • what role does music play in shaping the social self?
  • what part does it play in promotion of fashion? They are both ways of expressing yourself
  • How is taste shaped by the interplay of music and fashion?

There is not an authentic relationship between fashion and clothing it is put together Authenticity manifest in different types of music.

Cult of youth
The idea of Teenager was created by us in the victorian times there was no such thing as teenager you we’re considered adult or child, the 20th century has created this youthful person who has music and fashion it didn’t exist,
Bands and fans we’re getting there clothes from the same place fans we’re influenced by the artist and wanted to dress like them.

Rihanna for DIOR Secret Garden IV

Rihanna’s Secret Garden video with Dior was shot and directed by Steven Klein, She is the first Black Female to represent the brands she also previewed new music exclusive for the campaign no one had heard new music from her new studio album but she previewed the song ‘Good night Gotham’, she represents the brand in a way that I have never seen Dior before she is seen as a strong independent woman she is represented the way that she would want to be throughout the 10 minute video there are several outfit changes the video sparkling dress, white dress, red dress, leather/latex trench coat she appears very sexy in the video but for herself not in a way to please anyone. The photography for the campaign is very contrasted and high definition which is different from Dior’s previous campaigns which are pastel coloured soft looking although the video’s are very different they all deal with fantasy (Secret Garden) the Ideal Dior woman has changed over the years but they all remain the same in the way that they are represented.



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